JoomlaWatch Stats 1.2.9 by Matej Koval

Machine list

Below you find the most significant machine tools available in our factory:


Gantry milling machine Linè
Stroke X 29.000
Distance between columns 4.200
Max. distance from table to spindle nose 3.500 
Accessories: automatical head change with millesimal, face and angle milling heads

Portal milling machine TITAN FLP 2200
Stroke X 11.000
Distance between columns 2.550
Max. distance from table to spindle nose 2.500
Portal milling machine TITAN FLP 2200
Stroke X 10.500
Distance between columns 2.550
Max. distance from table to spindle nose 2.500
Travelling column milling machine
Stroke X 4.800
StrokeY 1.000
Stroke Z 1.700
Travelling column milling machine
Stroke X 8.400
Stroke Y 1.000
Stroke Z 1.400
Portal milling machine BOEHRINGER
Stroke X 6.200
Distance between columns 1.650
Max. distance from table to spindle nose 1.600
Bed type milling center SHW
Stroke X 2.630
Stroke Y 1.340
Stroke Z 1.330
Bed type milling center Mandelli
Stroke X 1.700
Stroke Y 800
Stroke Z 730

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All the machines are equipped with CNC system Siemens 840D – ultimate generation version